Knockan Hill October 30th 2021

The Greater Victoria Green Team organized a community and environmental activity at Knockan Hill Park in View Royal. We removed Spurge-Laurel daphne, English ivy and Himalayan blackberry! Without intervention, these invasive species would shade out native species and greatly reduce biodiversity. Thanks to years of intervention by The Friends of Knockan Hill and the Greater Victoria Green Team, this park is supporting more native biodiversity. A special thank you to Chris Junck, the Restoration Specialist with the Parks and Recreation Department at the Town of View Royal.


Thank-you to everyone for participating: Jade, Artem, Olga, Judy, Jack, Tristan, Sara, Chloe, Liz, Richard, Eden, Simon, Bob, Connor, Evie, Nancy, Laura, Sharon, Joan, Doris!

Thank-you very much to the Town of View Royal for partnering with us and contributing to our Green Team activities and for recognizing the importance of collaboration in community engagement and ecological restoration!

Group Photo!



  • In total 20 volunteers participated and contributed 55 volunteer hours.
  • 11 volunteers were introduced to Knockan Hill Park, while 2 volunteers had never removed invasive species before!
  • We removed 12 cubic metres of invasive plants!

Before and After

Volunteers Enjoying In-kind Gifts from Tru Earth (laundy detergent sheets) and Swedethings (Swedish dish cloth)

Volunteer Testimonials

“The impact on the park is immeasurable. Pulling out so many baby Daphne and invasive blackberry will help the health of the land” – Evie

“I had such a wonderful time in the forest amongst fellow Green Team members. I loved convening with the land in the neighbourhood overlooking the hills with the dog who kept us all company. I enjoyed my purpose of clearing a metre of ivy around the trees and removing some Daphne along the way. Nice way to spend an Autumn Saturday.” – Sara

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