
My name is Elissa Astorino and I am a Team Leader for the Lower Mainland Green Team. I joined the team to gain valuable leadership skills while making a difference in our environment. I hope to increase environmental awareness in my community as many people are unaware of the current issues. A particular interest to me is bringing awareness to what is entering waterways around the world. Many household products contain harmful toxins which end up in our waterways. Pesticides, fertilizers, as well as the chemicals used to make many of the clothing we buy in local retail outlets, are also ending up in are waterways causing extensive damage. Making people aware of these issues, and the options we have to prevent this type of pollution, can really make a difference on this planet. I also believe buying local products can have a positive impact on our communities, environmentally and economically. I look forward to working with the community to preserve this awesome planet and make a difference for the future generations to come.