The Greater Victoria Green Team, TD Bank employees and Township of Esquimalt Parks organized the large TD Tree Days! We planted 450 native trees and shrubs, as well as removed Himalayan Blackberry! This event was made possible through funding from TD Friends of the Environment grant!
Thank-you to everyone for participating: the TD Bank organizers, Hanadi Rashead and Joachim Ge and the 50+ TD employees! Thank you to the GVGT volunteers who helped extra (your help made the day run smoothly!): Chris, Kurt, Richard, Julien, Helena, Zitian, Laura and Kyle. Thank-you to all of the GVGT volunteers for participating: Anamika, Bethany, Carolyn, Cooper, Deborah, Duy, Eliska, Emma, Jan, John, Lenka, Leo, Marjorie, Meagan, Nicole, Nikola Pamela, Ryan, Sandy and Taylor!
Thank you to the Esquimalt Parks staff for being so awesome helping coordinate the volunteers: Robbie, Eric and Tony! Thank you to Rick Daykin, the Esquimalt Parks Manager for being a great partner!
Thank you very much to TD FEF for funding this activity and making it possible to plant 450 native trees and shrubs in the region!!!

- In total, 86 volunteers participated and contributed 230 volunteer hours!
- We planted 450 native trees and shrubs, including two Douglas-fir trees donated by local neighbours! We planted 21 species including: Douglas-fir, Bigleaf Maple, Garry Oak, Shore Pine, Black Cottonwood, Black Hawthorn, Red Alder, Pacific Ninebark, Bitter Cherry, Pacific Willow, Saskatoon, Ocean Spray, Tall Oregon Grape, Red-flowering Current, Nootka Rose, Salmonberry, Thimbleberry, Snowberry, Hardhack, Sword Fern and Red-osier Dogwood
Before and After photos
Volunteers in Action