Thank you to everyone who came to our litter clean-up at Langford Station:
Aaron, Abhmanyu, Ania, Chuhan, Claire, Corbin, Elnaz, Eugene, George, Hanni, Helene, Jasmine, Jieun, Jonathan, Juliana, Karen, Katherine, Kimberley, Kyle, Linus, Maria, Mark, Mary, Matte, Ren, Shannon, Siyu, Stephanie, Suyu, Tamara, Tyler, Wayne, and Yufei!
Thank you to our litter leaders who played a vital role in guiding and leading this community clean-up:
Ania, Linus, and Juliana

The rainy day did not keep people away! These dedicated community members braved the fall weather and had a great time working together to clean up the city!
- 35 community members were engaged
- 120 hours were contributed to cleaning up Downtown Langford
- 14 participants visited Langford Station for the first time
- 17 community members participated in a litter clean-up for the first time
- 131 lbs of litter was removed – that is the weight of a black bear!
- Over 4,396 pieces of litter were tracked and removed including:
- 2,837 cigarette butts
- 426 food wrappers
- 418 bits of paper & cardboard
- 162 pieces of plastic
- 94 cups & lids
- 86 pieces of glass
- 24 bottles & cans
- 43 items of clothing/shoes
- 95 pieces of metal
- 24 pieces of styrofoam
- and more!
- Some interesting finds included:
- Pry bar
- Clothes hangers
- Rubber bands
- Hair ties
- Glue stick
- Election sign
- Scissors
- Wires & cables
- Poker chip
- Gum
- Vape
- Balloons
- Fishing net
- Ear plugs
- Tea bags
- Wooden 2×4
- Screws
- We had a GREAT turnout despite the rainy weather
- This was our 3rd – and largest- litter clean-up with City of Langford this year!
- City of Langford Councillors Mary Wagner and Kimberley Guiry joined us, and shared their support and appreciation to everyone for coming together to take care of the community
- Participants learned about the City of Langford’s Public Engagement Forum: an online way to become even more civically engaged! Check it out on their website here
- Our litter leaders, Ania, Linus, and Juliana did a GREAT job. Thank you so much for helping supervise and keep everyone safe and having fun! Anyone interested in being a litter leader at an upcoming litter cleanup, can apply on our website HERE
- Community members joined us from all over the region with people joining us from as close as just up the street to all the way from downtown Victoria!
- Ania, Juliana, Linus, and Matte helped us pack up – thank you!
- This was our 3rd litter clean-up activity with the City of Langford in 2024. To see how past activities went:
- People driving by honked their gratitude and residents waved and thanked us from their balconies!
- Delicious brownies, grapes, carrots, cucumbers, mandarin oranges, granola bars, and fruit gummies were enjoyed by everyone during our snack break
- We LOVED using our litter tracker app (created by one of our own volunteer’s Chris!!) to document the types of garbage we collected
- This activity was featured in the Goldstream News Gazette!
- Read the Nov 26, 2024 article HERE
- Or find it under the Media Coverage section of our website here
What Participants are saying
Community Investment Partner & Sponsor
THANK YOU to the City of Langford for being a Community Investment Partner and providing the direction to make this activity possible!
Together we are achieving our common goals and creating connected, healthy and resilient communities engaged in environmental stewardship.
THANK YOU to Orion Construction Canada for providing the financial support to make this activity possible!
Together we are achieving our common goals and creating connected, healthy and resilient communities engaged in environmental stewardship.
This was the first of two Orion-sponsored litter clean ups! Stay tuned for the second one coming in the new year!
In-Kind Support
A big thank you to our in-kind supporters: Blume, Myni, & Green Beaver for providing their health focused products to our community participants to take home. These businesses have wonderful, sustainable products that support more responsible consumer choices!
If you’re interested in contributing in-kind or have ideas for potential partnerships, please contact Viloka. Your support makes a difference!

Thank you to the generous local business, Island Cleaning Supplies that helped us out by providing us with the litter pickers we needed to collect litter safely!
Why We Do This Work
The Greater Victoria Green Team organizes hands-on educational activities that have a positive environmental impact to empower people. Through activities such as invasive plant removals, plantings, litter cleanups and more, we are fostering connections with others and nature so that health and well-being is prioritized, lifelong environmental stewardship is promoted, and community members are enabled to take care of themselves, each other and the places they live. We all have the power to make a difference!
We all experience mental and physical health benefits from spending time in nature, including reduced stress and anxiety, and improved mood, focus, memory and more. While doing so, we can also have a positive impact on the environment as demonstrated through this activity!
Staff Who Made This Activity Happen!
Our dedicated team is passionate about creating engaging, high-quality activities that foster a sense of belonging, connection to nature while raising environmental awareness. We strive to make a positive impact on our environment and to build a thriving community that cares for it.
At the forefront is Kaitlin Warren, the Program Manager for the Greater Victoria Green Team, whose vision drives our efforts. She’s supported by Viloka Luna, our Partnerships Manager, ensuring every aspect runs smoothly behind the scenes. Together, they’re not just making plans; they’re building a brighter, greener future for our community.