First Session Group Photo

Second Session Group Photo

Photos from the first session can be found HERE and the second session HERE!
- In total 28 LMGT volunteers participated and contributed 47 hours total
- 5 cubic metres of Himalayan Blackberry was removed from a sensitive habitat
- The site was prepared for a native species planting activity that will be run by ARMS in the coming weeks
- 3 volunteers visited Maple Ridge Park for the first time
- 25 volunteers removed invasive Himalayan Blackberry for the first time
- A Croc and a skateboard were found and removed by volunteers
- A wish was made on a wishbone shaped root crown
- This activity was featured in the Maple Ridge News! Read the article HERE and see it printed in the April 9, 2021 paper
Action Shots

On Friday April 9th, 2021 the Lower Mainland Green Team teamed up with the Alouette River Management Society (ARMS) to remove invasive Himalayan blackberry from Maple Ridge Park in Maple Ridge! Despite a rainy forecast, the weather held out for our volunteers to work together to restore a sensitive habitat in the park that was overrun with blackberry. Volunteers shared an enthusiasm for the work and enjoyed the opportunity to get outside to do something together safely! Following the current COVID-19 restrictions, this activity was for youth only and engaged students from Thomas Haney Secondary School and Maple Ridge Secondary School.
Thank You!
Thank you to Brian William’s Outdoor Pursuits class from Thomas Haney Secondary School and Ramona Cruickshank’s students from the Wings Program at Maple Ridge Secondary School for coming out to participate in this activity!
LMGT Volunteers:
Nicole, John, Brian, Dale, Kalem, Eleanor, Vika, Ary, Isabela, December, Sarah, Caleb, William, Nathan, Jordan, Evan, Josh, Jacob, Caleb, John, Lisa, Erin, Jacob, Jessica, Peter, Michelle, Ramona, Emily, Dylan, Charity
A big thank you to Greta Borick-Cunningham and Sophie Sparrow from ARMS and their Maple Ridge Adopt-a-Block Program, and the Stewart Family Foundation for the funding to make this activity possible! Thank you as well to Jasmine Sidhu from ARMS for your support during the activity! We deeply value our partnership with this local organization, and together are a force to be reckoned with. It was an absolute pleasure running this activity with you and we look forward to the next!
What Volunteers Said
- “I think this program is very well run. It was very accommodating to all our students who have differing abilities. The people running it were very knowledgeable, friendly, and welcoming. I think it would be great to offer this to all schools in the Maple Ridge District as a field trip. This is important work.“ – Erin
- “It was good to actually see progress… Raised awareness for sure.” – Brian
- “I liked cutting the blackberries out.” – Jacob
- “I enjoyed being outside and helping out.” – Emily
- “Significant impact to be able to actively participate regardless of one’s exceptionality. The connection to land and the environment. I felt amazing during and after and so did the students and their families. This experience I think will lead to the students now wanting to participate in more activities like this” – Ramona
Before and After (scroll down for more photos)