For over 100 photos click HERE
Thank you:
City of White Rock (Steve, Vania, Sarah and Kassam)
Laura’s Coffee Corner (yummy baked goods!!)
The amazing volunteers, many of whom came from Semiahmoo Secondary school (thanks Ryan and Susan for bringing your students out!):
Adiba, Amanda, Anny, Aiden, Austin, Benjamin, Bhavjit, Brian S., Brian G., Celeste, Chris, Dausha, Devon, Diego, Doug, Gail, Gurik, Habeen, Harry, Holly, Illia, Isabel, Jack, Jashan, Jaykob, Josh, Julia, Kai, Kevin, Kohlby, Lai, Lesley, Lexi, Lindsay, Luna, Lyla, Manysha, Marcus, Matthew, Michael, Nate, Nelson, Nicole, Nikki, Phoebe, Raveen, Riku, Ryan, Sam, Sarah, Scott, Simon, Stanford, Susan, Tatjana, Tiana, Tiya, Wyatt
- 58 volunteers came out and contributed: 100 hours
- 36 of the volunteers visited Ruth Johnson Park for the very first time
- 38 of the volunteers planted trees for the first time
- 31 of the volunteers removed invasive plants for the first time
- 300 trees were planted ( Grand Fir, Western Hemlock, Lodgepole Pine, Native Cedar, Douglas Fir, Pacific yew, Spruce and Gary Oak). As they grow over the next decades they will spark growth of other native trees and become a forest for the next generation!
- Volunteers named some of the trees. Some of the names: picachu, Sam, Nicole-Isabel, Destiny and Steve
- Semiahmoo Secondary Special Ed program and Grade 10 Science class participated
- 0.25 cubic metres of invasive blackberry was removed (mostly root crowns!)
- Lesley did an amazing job running our instagram account
- Doug, Brian S, Brian G., Tatjana helped lead the activity !
- White Rock Montessori children came to check out the Semiahmoo Secondary School students planting trees. Future generation of environmental stewards!
What volunteers said
Planting 300 trees is no easy task! It should have a big impact on the local environment.- Brian
I loved naming my little trees! – Tiana
For our instagram story click HERE
