The Greater Victoria Green Team organized an ivy removal volunteer session in Mystic Vale at the University of Victoria. This is part of an ongoing, monthly volunteer and restoration project to help reduce the impact from invasive plants in Mystic Vale Woods!
Thank-you to everyone for participating: Aimee, Alex, Anika, Barbara, Ben, Benjamin, Christine, Clark, Colin, Conway, Emily, Ethan, James, Jill, Joe, Kurt, Lea, Martin, Nancy, Nick, Ricardo, Robyn (and Grace and Josiah!), Rowan, Shania, Shy, Spencer, Steven, Sydney, Theresa and Yasmine!
Thank-you very much to the University of Victoria Sustainability and Campus Planning department for partnering with us and for recognizing the importance of collaboration in community engagement and ecological restoration!

- In total, 33 volunteers participated and contributed 91.5 volunteer hours.
- 7 volunteers had never been to Mystic Vale before, while 6 had never removed English Ivy before!
- 17 volunteers were UVic students!
- We removed 8 cubic metres of invasive plants from an area measuring approximately 200 square metres!
What people shared about their experience
It helps build community, helps build our relationship with the land, and it helps the ecosystems and native plants in the area
(It was) great to be outdoors working with others to help local habitats,
meeting like-minded people. (It had a) friendly, welcoming atmosphere (and was) very well-organized.
Before and After Photos

Volunteers in Action