The Greater Victoria Green Team with funding support from the University of Victoria Sustainability Office organized a day long ivy pull and education day in Mystic Vale Woods at UVic! Just about 50 people joined in to remove 6 cubic metres of Ivy from a 200 square metre area!
Thank-you to everyone who participated – you are awesome! Alexandra, Alexis, Alycia, Ashley, Ashlyn, Ayesha, Beth, Bree, Brittany, Carina, Carmen, Claire, Colin, Courtenay, Cynthia, Devon, Dominique, Emily, Garrett, Jacqueline, Jalem, Jayden, Jennifer, John, Julia, Kathryn, Katrina, Kiki, Kurt, Lindsay, London, Madison, Mark, Megan, Merryl, Michaela, Natalie, Nicole, Olivia, Paige M., Paige W., Rebecca, Ritu, Sarah, Shannon, Vanessa and Wylie!
Also thank you very much to the UVic education teacher, Jennifer Gruno for bringing out your students! We look forward to future collaborations!
Thank you to the Sustainability Office of the University of Victoria for partnering with us and funding this ongoing project! Your support makes it possible to engage community and restore the environment!
Thank you to our in-kind sponsors for providing thank you gifts to our volunteers: LUSH Cosmetics for providing great bath items!
Amazing Team of Eco-heroes!
- 48 volunteers were engaged and contributed 75 volunteer hours
- 40 of the volunteers had never removed English Ivy before
- 8 of the volunteers had never been to Mystic Vale before.
- In total 45 volunteers were University of Victoria students!
- We removed approximately 6 cubic metres of English Ivy from 300 square metres of habitat.
- A group of students from the education program attended to learn about how to integrate outdoor, hands-on environmental education in their future elementary school classes!
What volunteers said about their experience
Before and After photos
Volunteers in Action