Burnaby Environment Week Invasive Plant Removal at Cariboo Heights Forest, Burnaby

Thank you so much everyone for joining us on this beautiful warm day to wrap up Environment Week:

Aaron, Adam, Alexis, Alfred, Angel, Anli, Anwar, Brandon, Carlo, Cheryl, Dave, David, Denys, Devin, Emma, Era, Gary, Grace, Hadi, Hao (Jay), Hash, James, Jan, John, Julia, Lily, Linus, Liuliang (John), Maia, Mark, Martina, Michelle, Nicholas, Owen, Paulus, Polly, Ryan, San Yin, Shane, Trevor & Viresh (Wiru)!

We had so much fun and even got to enjoy a nature walk through the forest while tackling invasive plants

Keep reading for our impacts, highlights and more from the day…


  • 41 community members engaged
  • 30 people visited Cariboo Heights Forest for the first time
  • 18 people removed invasive plants for the first time
  • 134 hours contributed to habitat restoration
  • 8 cubic metres of invasive Himalayan blackberry, English ivy, and Herb robert (“Stinky Bob”) were removed (equivalent to the volume of 50 bathtubs!)
  • Approximately 664 square metres of habitat revitalized 


  • This was the second of two Burnaby Environment Week activities the LMGT organized to celebrate the conservation of Canada’s natural environment!
    • Read about our Sunday June 2 Burnaby Environment Week activity at Central Park HERE.
  • Our work helped build on the previous restoration initiatives here by CHFPS and other stewardship groups!
    • Read about our last activity at Cariboo Heights Forest on June 10, 2023 HERE
  • Cariboo Heights Forest Preservation Society (CHFPS), who co-led this activity with us has been working on expanding their teaching garden here, and educated everyone about the history of the area and wildlife during a lovely forest stroll while removing invasive plants!
    • There are ongoing environmental initiatives taking place here at Cariboo Heights Forest, you can find out ways to get involved on the CHFPS website HERE.
  •  Community members joined us from across the Lower Mainland, including from Burnaby, Vancouver, Surrey, North Vancouver, Richmond, New Westminster, Pitt Meadows, Langley & Coquitlam 
  • Among those who joined were secondary school students, working professionals, first timers looking to try something new, & returning LMGTers 
  • We took a break from the hot sun to recharge with healthy snacks and vegan brownies!
  • Special thank you to:
    • Anwar, James, and Hadi for arriving early to help us set up
    • Ciara & Hannah for supervising CHFPS’s table, sharing information for participants, and helping us lay out snacks
    • Anwar for leading the packing of the car
    • The many hands who put in a collective effort to get the car packed and ready to go 
    • Every single person who joined us for sharing such a wonderful time trying new things and having fun in the forest!

Community Investment Partner

THANK YOU to the City of Burnaby’s Planning Department for providing financial support and direction to make these celebrations of Burnaby Environment Week possible!

Together we are achieving our common goals and creating connected, healthy and resilient communities engaged in environmental stewardship.

Sign up to join our next Burnaby  litter cleanup activity around the Cameron Recreation Complex on Saturday June 22, 2024 from 9:45am-1pm!


THANK YOU to Cariboo Heights Forest Preservation Society for co-leading this wonderful celebration of the environment with us! CHFPS works for the preservation of a large second growth forest, located south of the Brunette River. They are a diverse fun group working on many projects to improve & protect this forest.

Find out ways to get involved with this organization and give back to the community on their website HERE.

In-Kind Support

Thank you to the fantastic local eco-friendly businesses, Green Beaver and Honey Candles, that donated products for our hard-working community members to take home!

Please contact LMGT Program Manager, Ashton Kerr, if you are interested in providing in-kind or have suggestions for businesses to contact.

Why We Do This Work

The Lower Mainland Green Team organizes hands-on educational activities that have a positive environmental impact to empower people. Through activities such as invasive plant removals, plantings, litter cleanups and more, we are fostering connections with others and nature so that health and well-being is prioritized, lifelong environmental stewardship is promoted, and community members are enabled to take care of themselves, each other and the places they live. We all have the power to make a difference!

We all experience mental and physical health benefits from spending time in nature, including reduced stress and anxiety, and improved mood, focus, memory and more. While doing so, we can also have a positive impact on the environment as demonstrated through this activity!

Staff Who Made This Activity Possible

Andrea (left), Ashton (right)




Lower Mainland Green Team Program Manager, Ashton Kerr, and Program Coordinator, Andrea Robles, work hard behind the scenes to bring these high-quality activities to you.

Partnership building, fundraising, outreach, social media, activity logistics, leading on-the-ground, reporting on impacts and more – they can do it all!

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